Friday, March 9, 2012

Whimsey Box

Hey Crafthoarders!

I hoard bits and pieces; scraps of fabric and trim, wayward buttons, patches, anything I seam ripped off and thought "This could be useful." I have to go through my ever growing stash and ween pieces out, asking "How long has this been in here?" and "Can you use this in the next month?" I think most everyone from sew-er to scrapbooker can relate to that feeling.

However, I am still intrigued by the Whimsey Box. Its basically a monthly box of odds and ends from different companies like Spoonflower and Lion Brand Yarn looking to drum up a little business. The site promises the 4 to 5 samples, a reusable box (which reviews say is very nice), and project ideas and collectible art cards for $15.

What can I say?! I've got a problem. Part of the Whimsey Box's purpose is to inspire creativity and break you out of the patterns you've been working in. I think I am ready to purchase my first Whimsey box. This post is a To Be Continued...


PS My Whimsey Box should arrive late March.

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